What I Want for my Birthday

Nothing much:

1. More Happiness

2. Loyalty

3. Honesty

4. Good Health for me and my loved-ones

5. Peace and Good Leadership for my beloved country

On to the material stuff:

1. Books, books and more books

Murakami and his thought-provoking stories

– I haven’t finished reading this very thick book! Seems like I spend 5 minutes per page! Anyway, I want to read Norwegian Wood, Sputnik Sweetheart and Kafka on the Shore. I also want new Neil books! On top of my list is Anansi Boys (heard it was good :)). Finally, I want to complete my Sandman Library (funds, please!)

2. iPod Nano with Video Cam

Going for the 16gb! πŸ™‚

-At first I wanted the iPod touch but then it’s a little bulky so I’ll settle for the slim, pink one πŸ™‚ Sooo excited πŸ˜€

3. New phone

-No picture because I haven’t decided yet :P. One thing’s for sure, I’m saying goodbye to my LG KS360. It was fun and cute using the phone but it’s high time to take things to the next level and use a more “professional” phone.

I think I’m okay now πŸ™‚ I’m so blessed, it’s a only a matter of dwelling on the positive side of things and being continuously thankful for all the blessings.


Look who’s got Game!

Hello Blog! How are you? So much has been happening these past weeks and I feel so guilty not being able to update my blog. Apart from Pakistani Cookbook shoots and then some other stuff going around, I am sooo excited for the birthday month. It’s finally MAY! Nothing much, I’m just looking forward to May 25 (I’m turning 23) and what this month will bring.

Anyway, how April ended requires an entirely different post. On to the title of this entry… Neil came to Manila, signed and left – leaving me with unforgettable memories! But that doesn’t end there! My friend and fellow EA – Mika asked me one day if I have photos from the book signing event. I said Yes and Voila! I ended up in the May issue of Game! Magazine πŸ™‚

Iso (Games!'s Art Director also shared her picture) >> lower left of the page << and her cosplayer friend dressed as Death!

THANKS MIKA!!! πŸ˜€ This is a milestone for the Birthday Month! haha! πŸ˜›

Make sure to grab a copy of Game! Magazine’s May 2010 issue! πŸ™‚